Cbarbeau’s Weblog

September 8, 2008, 11:43 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized
Peta ad

Peta adn.

In my mind there are a few characteristics that an ad must contain in order to be successful. First of all and most important, it need to have something that is going to grab the viewers attention. If it does not have that eye catching quality no one is going to stop and take their time to see what the ad is saying. Second of all the content needs to be displayed in a fun or interesting  way. Also bright colors or shocking  images always seem to help.

For example this ad for Peda makes a point not to cover up or make light of the reality of the cost of a fur coat. This is truly a grotesque and sad image. Fur coats are beautiful, and it is easy to over look where they come from, but this ad helps to remind us that for such a beautiful creation there is a loss of life.

This ad is pretty dark over all. The background is black and the woman’s clothing is black. Due to this fact your attention is really drawn in to the main message which is the dead fox. The skinless fox is bright red and catches your eye immediately. The black also creates a feeling of sadness or mourning, which only intensifies the ads content.

This kind of ad is hard to ignore, you do not necessarily want to look, but it is so shocking that you can not help but look.  You first see the woman, and fox and then as you look at it longer your eye drifts down to the message which reads “here is the rest of your fur coat.” Over all I would say that it has a strong impact and is very successful.

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